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  • Mastering the Event Loop 🔄, Speeding Up Notion âš¡, SEO Cheat Sheet 📋

Mastering the Event Loop 🔄, Speeding Up Notion ⚡, SEO Cheat Sheet 📋



This article explains what Node.js event loop lag is through a real-world case study and provides strategies to avoid or solve it. Additionally, there is a comprehensive guide published by Node.js on how to prevent blocking the event loop to fully leverage Node.js's capabilities.

Notion has accelerated its web browser application by using WebAssembly to implement a SQLite cache. Facing challenges of cross-origin isolation and data corruption when multiple tabs access the database concurrently, Notion addressed these issues using a SharedWorker method. This setup allows only one tab to actively interact with the SQLite database while other tabs can still query it, and it also tackles issues like slow loading times and performance on slower devices.

Using closures in JavaScript is so straightforward that you might unwittingly introduce memory leaks in React when using the useCallback hook. This article covers the basics and how to avoid such issues.

Post-Architecture is an incremental approach to defining architecture rather than pre-designing it. It prioritizes speed in the early stages of development and minimizes the risks of making poor architectural decisions. The approach emphasizes procedural programming with a functional style, focuses on data structures over code patterns, and identifies data flows to guide development.

This article offers several tips on how to use BASH history to enhance terminal work efficiency.

Coding exercises in technical interviews can be unfair to those who don’t have ample practice time outside work, such as individuals with full-time jobs and families.

The tech job market is undoubtedly in a slump this year. This article discusses the current state and the author's perspective.


A straightforward and quick SEO cheat sheet. Additionally, there is a detailed beginner’s guide available for further learning.

100 types of underline/overlay animations without SVG, JavaScript, extra tags, and independent of pseudo-elements, each with a CodePen for easy application in your projects.

Built from Redbean, a single-file distributable web server, the final container is just 501 kB.

Google Docs has introduced new features that allow converting Markdown into document content and vice versa, exporting documents as Markdown, and importing Markdown files as documents.

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