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  • The Real 10x Developer 📈, Live Collaborative Terminals 🖥️, Using MacOS APIs in Electron 🍏

The Real 10x Developer 📈, Live Collaborative Terminals 🖥️, Using MacOS APIs in Electron 🍏



The concept of a "10x developer" is a myth. An individual’s impact on the success or failure of a technical project isn’t as significant as you might think (which is good news, as burnout would otherwise be rampant). Successful organizations foster a culture of community learning, knowledge sharing, and collaboration among teams to enhance overall performance.

You might have been using React for a long time, but React isn’t the only option for web development. This article introduces some other technologies that you might find intriguing and worth exploring.

The author argues that the ideal code length for a pull request is 50 lines, supporting this viewpoint with various charts and data.

An article detailing a more modern CSS reset solution, complete with segmented explanations.

A fascinating read where the author shares their journey of embracing Vim and making it their primary tool. Are you like the author or me, feeling intimidated by Vim and giving up after a short while? Perhaps it's time to muster the courage and give it another try.


Written in Rust, this tool allows you to share your terminal with anyone via a link on an infinite canvas. It also features real-time collaboration, remote cursors, and chat functionalities.

ngrok is a popular tunneling tool offering numerous features. Here’s a minimal, self-hosted, zero-configuration alternative using Caddy+OpenSSH+50 lines of Python.

This library provides enhanced security on the frontend, making it difficult for users to view data through the console. Previously, I recommended disable-devtool, which disables the F12 key, right-click, and browser menu to prevent access to web developer tools.

The smallest web server in Docker, built from Redbean: https://redbean.dev/, a single-file distributable web server.

NodeSwift bridges the gap between Node.js and Swift code. This means you can use native macOS APIs in Electron applications or interact with NPM APIs in Swift programs.

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